Muddy Puddles

We have been watching since our arrival to Europe this silly cartoon called Peppa Pig.  Every time the cartoon either ends in laughter or jumping into a muddy puddle.  Yesterday my little 2 year old had the time of her life and the first encounter with a muddy puddle.

It has been raining for the past 3 days, and there are puddles everywhere! We decided to go to the park. I dressed her up with her "muddy buddy" and her wellingtons, we weren't really expecting anything but just regular mud in the playground of the park. But as we stepped down from the tram there they where, big shiny and beautifully deep: MUDDY PUDDLES.

At first she saw them and ran towards them, then stopped, and stepped in carefully.   She just needed some reassurance things were going to be OK.  As soon as she felt it she began jumping and jumping and then running from one to the other! Her face was full of pride and most of all joy.  The best day ever!

We discovered muddy puddles!


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